Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Pod is growing

The framework for The Pod and The Platform is up! The mezzanine has a floor and its great to stand up there close the roof - it seems higher than we expected. Tassie oak from Musketts in Hounville, and as we specified, not from Gunns. This company is hated by all the small mills in Tasmania as Gunns takes all the timber it can to feed the woodchip market. The small businessmen, tradesmen and carpenters that I meet might not agree with greens in every respect, but they have even less time for Gunns and their bullying tactics which leaves them with no regular supply of timbers for house building and fencing.

We are opening the church up on the 5th and 6th of April as part of a local event called Focus on Franklin. Pat will hang some prints and I will show some photographs so we can show visitors what we are intending to do with the church. But for now, its time for the electrician and plumber to do their stuff in the pod.

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